Gerry O’Neil
Live music for all occasions.
Solo, Duo or full band performances.
Event organisation and entertainment.
Solo, Duo or full band performances.
Event organisation and entertainment.
Media & Events I have worked
About Gerry
“I never really ‘got’ Celtic music before my 20's. It was dodgy accordion players on the radio and it definitely felt like old peoples music. I didn’t connect. I was asked to join the folk band ‘Albanatchie’, mainly because none of them could drive, I had a licence, and they were getting bigger gigs out of town. It really opened my eyes to traditional music. We had a fiddle player whose party piece was to play the fiddle and the didgeridoo at the same time. We had a great percussionist, and I just played grooves on the bass. That was when I first thought of Celtic music as being really cool.”
“I’m very fortunate to have found traditional music, and it’s a great honour to be representing my old culture in my new country, and making a living doing it. It’s something I don’t take lightly. When I sing, I’m not just singing for those in the room, but for all those gone before too, and to let the next generations hear the old songs, to pass on the tradition. I’m like a link in the chain, carrying the culture forward… it’s so important to keep traditional cultures alive, wherever you’re from.”
Hire Us For Your Wedding or Next Event
Live music for all occasions.
Solo, duo or full band performances.
Event organisation and entertainment.